Paul Baker - Fabulosa!, Outrageous! and Camp! in conversation with John Galilee

Paul Baker - Fabulosa!, Outrageous! and Camp! in conversation with John Galilee

18th Jun 2023 12pm - 1pm
Greenwich Mean Time
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2023-06-18 12:00:00 2023-06-18 13:00:00 Europe/London Paul Baker - Fabulosa!, Outrageous! and Camp! in conversation with John Galilee Units 3&4 Kings Court, R/O 94 High Street, Kings Heath, Birmingham, B14 7JZ


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£4.00 + £0.30 fee

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To continue our Pride month celebrations, we have two fabulous events at The Heath Bookshop.  First up, we have the brilliant Paul Baker in conversation with John Galilee.

Paul Baker is Professor of English Language at Lancaster University. His PhD research was conducted on the secret gay language Polari, and since then he has written 25 books on the topics of language and social identity, including Fabulosa! (2019) and Outrageous! (2022), which tells the story of Section 28. He is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences. His latest book, Camp! (2023) is published with Footnote Press.

 John Galilee is a proud Midlander currently living in Scotland. Educated at the University of Birmingham, one of his first jobs was working at Central Television (post Crossroads!). For last 25 years he has worked as a social researcher and has published on sexuality, gender, social class and music. In his spare time he enjoys reading and DJ-aying which has included regular gigs at the queer Duckie club night which was based at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern, London. He is also convenor of one of the UK’s largest gay men’s book groups.